Carnival, also known as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, is a festive celebration held before Lent, characterized by feasting and merriment. Traditionally, people indulge in pancakes and other rich foods to use up ingredients like eggs and sugar before the fasting period begins. This vibrant holiday is marked by parades, costumes, and various cultural festivities in many countries around the world.
The stuffed flatbread emoji depicts a rolled or folded flatbread filled with various ingredients.
Learn MoreThe pineapple emoji represents the tropical fruit with its distinctive spiky exterior.
Learn MoreThe fried shrimp emoji depicts a deep-fried crustacean, often served as an appetizer.
Learn MoreThe face with peeking eye emoji depicts a smiling face peeking through fingers.
Learn MoreThe face with crossed-out eyes emoji depicts a dazed or unconscious expression.
Learn MoreThe index pointing at the viewer emoji depicts a hand gesture.
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